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Firstly, you select your dream car or cash prize from the large array of cars and cash amounts. Then proceed to the competition video page. After the video has finished, using your expertise and judgement, select the position with the target of where you think the judges will select the centre of ball. Finally, make payment and wait for the decision of the judges as they determine the winning centre of the ball location.
The cost of the tickets vary depending on the dream car prize that you choose from the variety of cars we have to offer. The higher the value of the prize, the higher the cost of the ticket. The entry starting price for a single ticket is £0.95.
Getting your hands on a ticket is simple, you enter and make the payment online. Once you have made the payment, you will get a verification email soon after which confirms your ticket.
Due to security and safety regulations, we can only sell a limited number of 120 tickets. We are always striving to provide a safe and secure environment for our players so they can enjoy their experience.
We offer a cash alternative for all our prizes. If you win, you can choose to be awarded the prize or the cash alternative.
Once the competition has ended, the judges use their expertise to collaborate and reach a conclusion deciding on where they think the centre of the ball should be placed. The competitor who matches the judges chosen location will be crowned the winner.
After the judges decision, if you have won we will send you an email within 48 hours to notify you that you are the winner.
In the case where more than one competitor has chosen the correct ball location, we will issue another 'spot the ball' photo. This will allow you to select the position of the ball once again and after this, we can determine the winner based on who is closest. We strive to make the spot the ball game fair for all our players!
We use both the skill of the sport expert judges as well as your skill of where you think the centre of the ball should be placed to make the decision. This is a significant legal distinction that is required under the UK gambling laws.
The judges are a panel of sports experts, making the final decision of who the winner is based on their professional skills and collaboration.