Competitions Today
Thinking about signing up and joining in on some competitions today? Then you might wish to do so with our help. All it takes is a simple visit to, and you could put yourself in the driving seat to win a brand new car. With our program, you get to take part in one of the fairest competitions today: a spot the ball game. The entire event will be built around making sure you can enjoy a highly satisfying competition overall.
Instead of feeling like your chances to win are built purely on luck and number selection, we put you in control. With, you are shown a still image of a football game. Your job is simple – to take a closer look at the image and work out where you think the ball would be if the image was not adjusted. If you happen to pick the right place, then you could be the winner of our competitions today!
This gives you the chance to win the prize that you have selected. That’s right: with our competition, you get every opportunity that you need to win a prize that you have chosen. We don’t make you take any particular prize; we let you pick the prize that you are dealing with 100%.
You are in control of what you win, where you choose on the image, and everything else. You even get to choose how many raffle tickets that you buy – the power is 100% yours to do with as you please. This means that you are able to win our competition whilst knowing that all of the work and effort that you have put in was worth the time, effort, and the challenge.
If you want to win something worthwhile then take part in our competitions today!
Join up at and win a car or cash prize
All you need to do is visit our website at and click on the Play Now button. This will take you to our list of potential prizes to win, giving you total control and choice. You simply need to look through the image, choose what you think is the spot where the ball should be, and submit your guess. Want more than one guess? Then you can do so by buying multiple tickets. We let you buy a large quantity of tickets, so don’t feel like you are limited to just the one guess here!
Instead, we make sure that you can get all of the help and the support that you need to enjoy a much more satisfying competition. You choose the number of guesses, the location on the image, and even the prize that you win. Once the countdown timer hits zero, we will be in touch with anyone involved in our competitions today to let them know if they were the winner.
If you are the winner of, then you can look forward to arranging delivery of your cash or car prize to the location of your choosing.